š«µ Tired of fake twitter influencers that play with you as a cashout tool? How many projects have you invested in that have been rugged? Yeah man, we know how it works and we got your back.
$YD ain't just a token; we're Young Degens, a movement fueled by energy, humor, brotherhood and the struggle of hustlin' in this crypto game. Rollin' with meme wizards and crypto fanatics, $YD represents your game where you have the power to make it successful together with all the other $YD chads.
Express yourself, your creativity, your fun and your passion by joining the $YD movement.
Get that FOMO, turn screw-ups into profits. Let's turn past losses into future wins.
ā 100% tokens for the community
$YD is conceived as a reward token.
Only 5% of supply will be available for the FairLaunch.
95% will be available for the community by joining $YD Liquidity Program with Farms and Pools on MelegaSwap.
ā DEX philosophy
$YD is a DEX token. We believe in DeFi transparency and freedom.
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