How To Earn?

Look for promoted tokens

Ensure you consistently check the promoted tokens in the designated section on the home screen. Points can only be earned by voting for tokens in the promoted section. refer (image: 1)


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Cast your vote for a token.

While on the token details screen, select your vote from various options available. Remember, you can only vote once every 24 hours, so make sure to maximize your points by visiting and voting for tokens until the promotion period ends. refer (image: 2)


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Accumulation of points

Once you have completed voting and the promotion period concludes, your points will be added to your account within 24 hours. The allocation of points is contingent upon the token's promotion period. refer (image: 3)


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Complete your profile to 100%

Ensure your profile is fully completed at 100% before submitting a redemption request for your points. refer (image: 4)


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Redeem Points

Now that you have achieved a 100% completed profile, you are eligible to redeem points. To initiate a points redemption request, ensure you have the minimum threshold of points in your account. Once you submit your redemption request, please allow 24 hours for processing. refer (image: 5,6,7)


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Credits of Crypto

During this time, you can monitor the status of your points redemption request. Upon receiving the points, you will be credited with the equivalent amount in cryptocurrency to your wallet address. refer (image: 8,9)


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