DigitalBits Token Live price data
The live price of DigitalBits Token today is 0.011432081425271844 USD. $xdb It is up 8,32% from the last trading day! We update our USD to xdb every 10 minutes!
DigitalBits Has a Market Cap of 16,004,914 USD and is up 8,32% in the last 24H!
What Is DigitalBits (xdb)?
DigitalBits closes the gap of blockchain adoption by integrating with consumer apps – unlocking value in the pockets of millions.
DigitalBits is a third generation protocol over the former Stellar network, that’s tackling the challenges of usability and mainstream adoption. By bringing together technology, team and enterprise-grade execution, DigitalBits is bringing crypto to the masses.
Backed by some of the top-tier crypto funds and advisors, DigitalBits targets an enterprise go-to-market strategy with a focus on the points economy – further accelerating the adoption of blockchain technology into society.